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2020 so far!

Given the recent turn of events happening in the world currently I felt it important to touch base with my lovely followers and update you on a couple of things. 

The Covid-19 crisis has placed quite a strain on the floral industry, in particular the growers.  We have had drought like conditions down south and then a quick move into colder weather which has affected a lot of crops. Prior to this, the bush fires in Victoria and NSW wiped out a lot of crops particularly the native flowers. On the back of this we had an extremely busy Mother's Day, in fact the busiest we have seen in 20 years!  

The demand on the chain of supply has increased dramatically in a short space of time, and as a result the price of flowers has escalated by 30-40%.  Also given the lack of international flights to ship in our imported varieties, the industry is really in a tough place. Given all of these circumstances, we have had to rise our prices in order to keep our little business running smoothly.

We are trying to source varieties that have not risen as much as other's to continue to give you great value for money.  We have also decided to supply Australian Grown where possible in our effort to rebuild the economy. We will need to source some products from overseas until the local growers are back up and running. (We hope you understand)

We would love it if you could continue to support us through these crazy times, as we are just like everyone, needing to pay bills and have little mouths to feed. In return we can promise you our impeccable customer service and quality of product.

We will be releasing a new range soon, to give you a broader range of price brackets to choose from. There will be something for everyone, whether your budget is large or small.

Finally I would like to thank all of you for being so amazing and supporting us through the Covid-19 situation. We would not still be running without your generous support.   - Heidi and the team